Bidding: Silent Auction Artworks, Benefit, May 18

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Bidding: Silent Auction Artworks, Benefit, May 18

Bidding: Silent Auction Artworks, Benefit, May 18

Bidding: Silent Auction Artworks, Benefit, May 18
Francesco Clemente, "Departure of the Argonaut Triptych." Three Lithographs on wove paper, 27" x 118.5", 1986, Edition: 73/100 Published by Petersburg Press Value: $3,500

Bidding: Silent Auction Artworks, Benefit, May 18
Alexander Gorlizki, "Route Root," pigment on paper, 11.5" x 16", 2016, Value: $4,750.00

Bidding: Silent Auction Artworks, Benefit, May 18
Arata Isozaki, MOCA Series #2, silkscreen, ed. of 75, 18.3" x 18.3", 1983. Value: $5000

Bidding: Silent Auction Artworks, Benefit, May 18
Meridith McNeal, "Inside/Outside: Miss Fortune (American Pie)," ink and watercolor on paper, 43" x 33", 2016. SILENT AUCTION SPECIAL: Proceeds benefit Art Yard BKLYN, (Arts Education Partner at Kentler) Value: $12,500

Bidding: Silent Auction Artworks, Benefit, May 18
Tom Otterness, "Hands Drawing Hands," silverpoint on paper, 4.75" x 4.5", 2015. Value: $4,000

Bidding: Silent Auction Artworks, Benefit, May 18
Kiki Smith, "Mind's Eye,"monoprint; watercolor and pencil on Hahneumuhle Copperplate White paper, 11 9/16" x 8 1/8", 2015. Printer/Publisher: Thirteen Moons, NYC. Value: $2,500

Bidding: Silent Auction Artworks, Benefit, May 18
Dustin Yellin, "Live Wire," collage, 6" x 4.5" x 1.5", 2016. Value: $3,000

About the event

BENEFIT EVENT: Saturday, MAY 18, 6pm

Francesco Clemente
Alexander Gorlizki
Arata Isozaki
Meridith McNeal
Tom Otterness
Kiki Smith
Dustin Yellin

Silent Auction Ends: MAY 18, 8:00pm (at the event)
Online Bidding Ends: MAY 17, 11pm
TO PLACE A BID ONLINE - email: Silent Auction Bid
or call 718-875-2098